
Protecting Your Idea: IP Law Basics

Have you ever wondered how patents, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property can be used to protect your growing business? This webinar will present an overview of the various forms of intellectual property and, using examples from similarly situated businesses, will discuss considerations of when to seek the various forms of protection, what is involved in obtaining the protection, and strategic options that can be particularly useful in the early stages of a business.

Kevin Myhre is a patent attorney at Barley Snyder in Malvern, PA and is involved in patent application preparation and prosecution, trademark matters, and litigation support across all areas of intellectual property law, including research and strategy development. Kevin’s distinct background as a U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patent examiner has given him an intricate, inside knowledge of how the patent process works, what a patent examiner is looking for in a patent application, and the best course to chart for representing a client throughout a range of patent-related matters.

The replay of this webinar is available on the Great Valley LaunchBox YouTube Channel.
Direct Link to Webinar