If marketing isn’t working for your business or you’ve hit a plateau, you need to hear this. Learn how to make marketing easier, and more effective for your business by identifying and marketing to people who actually want to buy from you. But there’s so much noise out there so how do you stand out? All…

Founders Workshop Series

The Great Valley LaunchBox is thrilled to kick off our Founders Workshop Series with three live-streamed workshops featuring inspiring entrepreneurs: Marketing to Your Ideal Customer with Yasmin George If marketing isn’t working for your business or you’ve hit a plateau, you need to hear this. Learn how to make marketing easier, and more effective for…

Protecting Your Idea: IP Law Basics

Have you ever wondered how patents, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property can be used to protect your growing business? This webinar will present an overview of the various forms of intellectual property and, using examples from similarly situated businesses, will discuss considerations of when to seek the various forms of protection, what is…

Grow with Google | Using YouTube to Grow Your Business

Join the Great Valley and York LaunchBoxes for this free virtual Grow with Google Event. You will learn how important video is in modern marketing and the basics of getting started promoting your business with YouTube. Registration is required. Click here for more information

4 Strategies For Launching Your Next Reinvention With Roger Osorio Oct 7th

Join author and reinvention expert Roger Osorio as he walks through 4 fundamental strategies for reinventing your career, yourself and your life. Click here for more information

Great Valley LaunchBox Showcase April 5th!

Great Valley LaunchBox Showcase Tuesday, April 5, 20224:30 PM – 7:00 PM The Conference Center at Penn State Great Valley30 East Swedesford Road, Malvern, PA 19355 Join us to learn about opportunities for student and community entrepreneurs at the Great Valley LaunchBox powered by Penn State and hear how your support can help spur student…