
Founders Workshop Series

The Great Valley LaunchBox is thrilled to kick off our Founders Workshop Series with three live-streamed workshops featuring inspiring entrepreneurs:

Marketing to Your Ideal Customer with Yasmin George

If marketing isn’t working for your business or you’ve hit a plateau, you need to hear this. Learn how to make marketing easier, and more effective for your business by identifying and marketing to people who actually want to buy from you. But there’s so much noise out there so how do you stand out? All great marketing starts with WHO. Discover how to find who your ideal customer is and how to attract them using the latest trends in marketing. Registration.
Yasmin (Founder + CEO, Trend Lab Marketing) has nearly 20 years of experience running marketing departments for Fortune 500 and mid-sized companies as well as cutting edge start-ups. She creates marketing engines for businesses to deliver prospects and drive growth specializing in the use of direct response marketing to help businesses grow and scale. As a marketing consultant, Yasmin gives her clients all the tools they need to execute effective marketing strategies proven to drive revenue growth.

Growing Entrepreneurs with John Wodehouse

Agriculture and food are synonymous for many Pennsylvanians including Chester County. Have you ever wondered what it takes to start a farm-to-fork business or to take your own small farm from hobby to a business? In this interactive webinar learn about starting a small farm or food based business using or leveraging existing resources, including your entrepreneurial traits and abilities, limited land, or small acreage and access to finances and capital. The Growing Entrepreneurs workshop offers a brief overlook at agribusiness feasibility, and the planning training needed for agricultural entrepreneurs considering a new agricultural venture or seeking to increase the profitability of an existing one.  Join us for this interactive webinar to learn more about how your farming dream can grow closer to a reality. Registration.
John P. Wodehouse is a finance, economics, business and leadership instructor with The Penn State University Extension. His focus is on agriculture, landscape business, financial management, and leadership development. Prior to Penn State, John’s career experience included farming, landscape-management; design & sales, as well as facilities management in higher education. John brings this wealth of industry experience to strengthen all his Extension projects. Currently, his work is focused on farm finances, food systems and leadership empowerment. John holds a Master’s in Leadership Development from The Penn State University, a Bachelor of Business Administration and Finance from Albright College. He also obtained an Associate in Landscape Nursery Science from Penn State University in 1998.

Finding Your Creative Core with Steve Berry

The best entrepreneurs require alignment of an entire career. We’ll journey through the thousands of small emotional and tactical decisions it takes to create a system to let your entrepreneurial spirit feast. We’ll use my journey creating Thought Merchants as the lattice to discuss tactical business decisions, principles, and lifestyle that play essential roles in success and failure. Registration. 

Steve Berry is the founder of Thought Merchants, a unique design studio in Santa Monica, California. Steve Berry is a product designer, which really means a person who’s a: maker, designer, founder, thinker, coach, artist, strategist. TM has worked with various emerging companies at critical moments of growth over the past 12 years. Casper, Harry’s, STX, Chainlink, Code Climate, and Riot Games are a few you may recognize.